2024 | Design, Evaluation and Testing of an Ethanol/LOX Sounding Rocket Propelled by a Regeneratively Cooled Rocket Engine within the Student Initiative WARR | Rocketry | International Astronautical Congress |
2023 | MOVE-III and DEDRA: In Situ Sub-millimetric Space Debris and Micrometeoroid Detection and Characterisation | MOVE | ESA NEO and Debris Detection Conference |
2022 | MOVE-III: A CubeSat for the detection of sub-millimetre space debris and meteoroids in Low Earth Orbit | MOVE | Frontiers in Space Technologies |
2022 | New Results and Lessons Learned from the MOVE-II and MOVE-IIb CubeSats | MOVE | Small Satellite Conference 2022 |
2022 | Implementation and Characterization of Commercial Off-The-Shelf Inertial Measurement Units for the Attitude Determination System of the MOVE-III CubeSat | MOVE | Small Satellite Conference 2022 |
2022 | An Approach for System Analysis with MBSE and Graph Data Engineering | MOVE | ResearchGate |
2021 | Distributed Computing for Modular & Reliable Nanosatellites | MOVE | IEEE Xplore |
2021 | MBSE in AIT and Operations of MOVE-II and its Impact on the MBSE2DL Activity and the MOVE-III Mission | MOVE | ResearchGate |
2019 | Hardware-In-The-Loop and Software-In-The-Loop Testing of the MOVE-II CubeSat | MOVE | MDPI Aerospace |
2019 | First Flight Results of the MOVE-II Satellite | MOVE | Small Satellite Conference 2019 |
2018 | Reliability Prediction of Student-Built CubeSats | MOVE | International Astronautical Congress |
2018 | Software-Defined Communication on the Nanosatellite MOVE-II | MOVE | International Astronautical Congress |
2018 | Agile Mission Operations in the CubeSat Project MOVE-II | MOVE | International Conference on Space Operations |
2018 | Reliability Assessment and Reliability Prediction of CubeSats through System Level Testing and Reliability Growth Modelling | MOVE | TUM MediaTUM Repository |
2017 | MOVE-II: The Munich Orbital Verification Experiment II | MOVE | Conference on University Satellite Missions and CubeSat Workshop |
2017 | Evaluation of MicroPython as Application Layer Programming Language on CubeSats | MOVE | International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems |
2017 | Risk reduction and process acceleration for small spacecraft assembly and testing by rapid prototyping | MOVE | German Aerospace Congress |
2017 | Agile Sofware Development for Space Applications | MOVE | ResearchGate |
2017 | TDP-3 Vanguard: Verification of a New Communication System for CubeSats on BEXUS 22 | MOVE | ESA Symposium |
2017 | Magnetic Attitude Control for the MOVE-II Mission | MOVE | ESA Symposium |
2017 | Risk reduction and process acceleration for small spacecraft assembly and testing by rapid prototyping | MOVE | German Aerospace Conference |
2017 | Advances in the Development of the Attitude Determination and Control System of the CubeSat MOVE-II | MOVE | EUCASS |
2017 | A reliability estimation tool for reducing infant mortality in Cubesat missions | MOVE | IEEE Aerospace Conference |
2017 | Boosting Fault-Tolerance in High-Performance COTS-based Miniaturized Satellite Computers | MOVE | AIAA/USU Conference |
2016 | Investigating a Mass-Reproducible Attitude Determination and Control System on the Nanosatellite MOVE-II | MOVE | European Cubesat Symposium |
2016 | Enhancing Nanosatellite Dependability Through Autonomous Chip-Level Debug Capabilities | MOVE | GI/ITG Conference |
2016 | Nanolink: A Robust and Efficient Protocol for Small Satellite Radio Links | MOVE | 4S Symposium |
2016 | On-orbit verification of space solar cells on the CubeSat MOVE-II | MOVE | IEEE PVSC |
2016 | Dependable Computing for Miniaturized Satellites | MOVE | EIRO Forum |
2015 | Providing hands-on space education by involvement of collaborating self-reliant student teams | MOVE | Space Educational Symposium |
2015 | MOVE-II — the second small satellite of the Technical University of Munich | MOVE | German Aerospace Congress |
2015 | The Evolution of the CubeSat Program MOVE | MOVE | AIAA/USU Conference |
2013 | The MOVE II mission: Detecting antiprotons in the South Atlantic Anomaly | MOVE | General Publication |