
2024Design, Evaluation and Testing of an Ethanol/LOX Sounding Rocket Propelled by a Regeneratively Cooled Rocket Engine within the Student Initiative WARRRocketry International Astronautical Congress
2023MOVE-III and DEDRA: In Situ Sub-millimetric Space Debris and Micrometeoroid Detection and CharacterisationMOVEESA NEO and Debris Detection Conference
2022MOVE-III: A CubeSat for the detection of sub-millimetre space debris and meteoroids in Low Earth OrbitMOVEFrontiers in Space Technologies
2022New Results and Lessons Learned from the MOVE-II and MOVE-IIb CubeSatsMOVESmall Satellite Conference 2022
2022Implementation and Characterization of Commercial Off-The-Shelf Inertial Measurement Units for the Attitude Determination System of the MOVE-III CubeSatMOVESmall Satellite Conference 2022
2022An Approach for System Analysis with MBSE and Graph Data EngineeringMOVEResearchGate
2021Distributed Computing for Modular & Reliable NanosatellitesMOVEIEEE Xplore
2021MBSE in AIT and Operations of MOVE-II and its Impact on the MBSE2DL Activity and the MOVE-III MissionMOVEResearchGate
2019Hardware-In-The-Loop and Software-In-The-Loop Testing of the MOVE-II CubeSatMOVEMDPI Aerospace
2019First Flight Results of the MOVE-II SatelliteMOVESmall Satellite Conference 2019
2018Reliability Prediction of Student-Built CubeSatsMOVEInternational Astronautical Congress
2018Software-Defined Communication on the Nanosatellite MOVE-IIMOVEInternational Astronautical Congress
2018Agile Mission Operations in the CubeSat Project MOVE-IIMOVEInternational Conference on Space Operations
2018Reliability Assessment and Reliability Prediction of CubeSats through System Level Testing and Reliability Growth ModellingMOVETUM MediaTUM Repository
2017MOVE-II: The Munich Orbital Verification Experiment IIMOVEConference on University Satellite Missions and CubeSat Workshop
2017Evaluation of MicroPython as Application Layer Programming Language on CubeSatsMOVEInternational Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems
2017Risk reduction and process acceleration for small spacecraft assembly and testing by rapid prototypingMOVEGerman Aerospace Congress
2017Agile Sofware Development for Space ApplicationsMOVEResearchGate
2017TDP-3 Vanguard: Verification of a New Communication System for CubeSats on BEXUS 22MOVEESA Symposium
2017Magnetic Attitude Control for the MOVE-II MissionMOVEESA Symposium
2017Risk reduction and process acceleration for small spacecraft assembly and testing by rapid prototypingMOVEGerman Aerospace Conference
2017Advances in the Development of the Attitude Determination and Control System of the CubeSat MOVE-IIMOVEEUCASS
2017A reliability estimation tool for reducing infant mortality in Cubesat missionsMOVEIEEE Aerospace Conference
2017Boosting Fault-Tolerance in High-Performance COTS-based Miniaturized Satellite ComputersMOVEAIAA/USU Conference
2016Investigating a Mass-Reproducible Attitude Determination and Control System on the Nanosatellite MOVE-IIMOVEEuropean Cubesat Symposium
2016Enhancing Nanosatellite Dependability Through Autonomous Chip-Level Debug CapabilitiesMOVEGI/ITG Conference
2016Nanolink: A Robust and Efficient Protocol for Small Satellite Radio LinksMOVE4S Symposium
2016On-orbit verification of space solar cells on the CubeSat MOVE-IIMOVEIEEE PVSC
2016Dependable Computing for Miniaturized SatellitesMOVEEIRO Forum
2015Providing hands-on space education by involvement of collaborating self-reliant student teamsMOVESpace Educational Symposium
2015MOVE-II — the second small satellite of the Technical University of MunichMOVEGerman Aerospace Congress
2015The Evolution of the CubeSat Program MOVEMOVEAIAA/USU Conference
2013The MOVE II mission: Detecting antiprotons in the South Atlantic AnomalyMOVEGeneral Publication
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