Reaching for the STARS
since 1962.

Reaching for the STARS since 1962.


We are WARR, the biggest student group at TUM, working on ambitious projects around the theme of space.

Founding Year
Major Projects
Active Student Members

“WARR” is a German abbreviation, short for “Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Raketentechnik und Raumfahrt”, which translates to “Scientific Workgroup for Rocketry and Spaceflight”. It’s been with us since the early 1960s.

We ourselves. From the basic idea to the technical realization, we are completely self-organized, so they are really our satellites and rockets, built by students of WARR.

That really depends. We get funding from TUM, prize money when we win competitions, and of course a lot of support from our sponsors.

At the beginning of the semester we organize kick-off events, explicitly to introduce ourselves and to familiarize new members with us. Drop by and see us!

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