Tretet unserem team bei!

Warum ihr unserem Team beitreten solltet

„Irgendwo wartet etwas Unglaubliches darauf, erkannt zu werden.“ — Carl Sagan

Das WARR Space Robotics Team leistet an der TU München Pionierarbeit für die Zukunft der Weltraumforschung.

Wir glauben, dass wir die Herausforderungen des Kosmos meistern können, wenn wir uns mit den notwendigen Werkzeugen, dem Wissen und der Kameradschaft ausstatten. Für unsere Reise in den Weltraum suchen wir leidenschaftliche Menschen, die bereit sind, mit uns zusammen die nächste Grenze zu gestalten.

Außerdem bieten wir euch viele Vorteile, unter anderem:

  • Erfahrungen für euren Lebenslauf und ein Zertifikat, das euren Beitrag bestätigt und anerkennt
  • Arbeit mit talentierten und motivierten Teammitgliedern
  • Entwicklung von Führungs- und Teamwork-Fähigkeiten und die Chance, positive Veränderungen in unserem Team zu bewirken
  • Netzwerk von Kontakten in der deutschen und europäischen Raumfahrtindustrie
  • Büroräume im Gebäude des Maschinenbaus der TU München
  • Zugang zu Veranstaltungen und Konferenzen mit Bezug zur Weltraumforschung z.B. Space Tech Expo
  • Eigene Werkstatt für Forschung und Entwicklung und Zugang zum MakerSpace
  • Möglichkeiten, unsere Prototypen auf Veranstaltungen wie dem European Rover Challenge zu präsentieren und zu testen
  • Zusammenarbeit bei bahnbrechenden Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten wie unserem neuen Projekt
  • Engagement in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und bei Bildungsveranstaltungen, um zukünftige Weltraumforscher zu inspirieren
Ministerpräsident Söder mit unserem Little Maggus © Robert Brouczek

Schaue dir die untenstehenden Rollen an und bewirb dich jetzt für das Winter Semester 2024/25 bis zum 1. November, 2024.

What we’re looking for:

We are seeking knowledgable students in computer vision to join our team and play critical role in advancing our autonomous rover’s capabilities. The primary focus will be on terrain semantic segmentation (or other CV methods) to allow our mapping and path-planning algorithms to perform better.


  • Research, implement, and finetune segmentation models to classify terrains and obstacles inside Martian environment.
  • Integrate inferenced data into our rover’s ROS2 path-planning and mapping stack
  • Optimize and adapt the model to fit our technical requirements (inference time, power constraint of NVIDIA Jetson hardware)
  • If necessary, label or augment our recorded sensor data gathered in Lunar/Martian terrain or create an automatic labeling pipeline


  • Proficiency in English
  • Strong background in computer vision and deep learning
  • Experience with ML frameworks such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, or similar.
  • Nice-to-have: Familiarity with ROS/ROS2, and data annotation tools

What we’re looking for:

Since an autonomous rover have dependencies on large amount of libraries and packages, managing an environment to ensure they work properly on our Jetson is extremely difficult. You might have heard of the „It works on my machine“ problem, which is what we are trying avoid, and ensure smooth transition to other hardware as we iterate our designs. Thus, we are looking for a skilled and motivated students with experience in Docker to join our software team. You will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining Docker environments to support our software infrastructure for our autonomous rover robots. Our entire autonomous rover’s software stack will be run inside your environments, and it must work independently from the hardware.


  • Design, and implement Docker-based (or other container software) environments on our autonomous rover robots
  • Containerize various components of our software stack e.g., ROS2, perception, localization and mapping, navigation, communication, and more
  • Collaborate with other team members to ensure that your environments support CI/CD pipelines
  • Solve compatibility and dependency issues of Docker environments with our rover’s hardware and software
  • Maintain and document the images, containers, and deployment pipelines


  • Proficiency in English
  • Strong proficiency in shell scripting, version control like Git, and Linux command lines
  • Proven experience with Docker, Docker Compose, and containerization technologies
  • Experience with robotics or embedded systems (e.g., ROS2 or similar) is a plus, but not required.

What we’re looking for

We’re looking for a creative student who can and wants to design and create the best-looking, and high-performing website for our team and our projects, and regularly maintain and implement new design ideas to our website as our team grows.


  • Rover Interface Development: Design and implement intuitive and responsive user interfaces for our autonomous rover. These interfaces should facilitate observability and control for the operators.
  • Website Revamp: Overhaul the existing WARR Space Robotics website to enhance its aesthetic appeal, functionality, and user experience.
  • Integrate Online Features: Implement features such as an online application form, multimedia content, and other functionalities as needed.
  • Collaboration: Work closely with other team members, including backend developers, engineers, and stakeholders, to ensure the seamless integration and functionality of frontend components.


  • Proficiency in English
  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Experience in web development, designing (e.g. Figma) and implementing user interfaces (React, Node/Express).
  • Design Aptitude: A keen eye for design and a deep understanding of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) principles.
  • Excellent analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills
  • Knowledge of Robotics (a plus): While not mandatory, having an understanding or interest in robotics will be beneficial.

What we’re looking for

Our rover is anything but autonomous without the map of its environment for path planning and behavioural planning decision-making. We are seeking a talented Robotics & Autonomous Systems Engineer with expertise in localization and mapping to join our software team. You will be responsible for developing, testing, and optimizing algorithms that enable our autonomous rovers to navigate and map unknown Martian terrain in real-time. This role involves working closely with hardware, perception, and control teams to ensure seamless integration of SLAM into our autonomous navigation systems.


  • Develop, implement, and optimize SLAM algorithms for real-time navigation and mapping in unstructured Martian environments
  • Integrate SLAM stack into the rover’s path-planning, sensor fusion, and control systems
  • Work with various sensor modalities (LiDAR, Stereo cameras, IMUs) to improve accuracy and robustness.
  • Continuously test and validate SLAM systems in both simulated and real-world Lunar and Martian environments (courtesy of our partners)


  • Proficiency in English
  • Strong background in robotics and autonomous systems, especially traditional localization algorithms like Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) or similar.
  • Experience with SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) algorithms and sensor fusion.
  • Proficiency in C++/Python and ROS 2 (Robot Operating System).
  • Hands-on experience with robotic perception and localization using sensors such as LiDAR, cameras, IMUs, and GNSS in ROS/ROS2.
  • Nice-to-have: Experience with related software packages e.g., RTAB-Map, GMapping, etc.

What we’re looking for

One sensor is great, but multiple ones are even better. However, each individual sensor’s reading, and output must be fused in order to make them work. Moreover, the sensors must be properly synced and calibrated so that our AI model’s outputs correspond to the same object. We are looking for the unsung hero that can and will take on this hard but necessary task. You will be working with SLAM engineer, computer vision engineer, and path planning engineer and ensure smooth integration of multiple sensors onto our autonomous rover.


  • Research, and implement sensor fusion techniques for a robust perception of the environment
  • Ensure all sensors are correctly calibrated, synced and integrated
  • Deal with noisy, unsynced, or incomplete data in edge cases and improve our perception system’s reliability
  • Procure tools necessary for calibration and synchronization, such as a checkerboard, trihedral corner reflector, etc.


  • Proficiency in English
  • Experience with a variety of sensors, including RGB-D cameras, LiDAR, and IMUs
  • Strong programming experience in Python or C++
  • Familiarity with intrinsic and extrinsic calibration techniques and tools such as OpenCV
  • Nice-to-have: theoretical knowledge about fusion techniques, calibration methods, and synchronization like NTP, PTP protocols

What we’re looking for

Imagine real-world deployment of our rover on Mars. We need to remotely send command signals to it so that it starts exploring. It also needs to send us feed of what is going on in case of emergency so that we can override autonomous commands and save our rover. We are looking for that person who can establish connection between our autonomous rover and our ground station control. You will be working closely with our frontend engineer and ensure seamless data exchange between the rover and our frontend interface.


  • Design and develop communication systems to ensure reliable, real-time signal transmission between the ground station and the rover and integrate our existing communication hardware into that system.
  • Implement wireless communication protocols to manage data transfer, control signals, and telemetry feedback.
  • Monitor and troubleshoot communication channels to ensure high uptime and low-latency performance, even in challenging hilly Martian environments.
  • Ensure secure data transmission and implement error-checking mechanisms if necessary.


  • Proficiency in English
  • Preferably already have experience in wireless communication systems, including radio, Wi-Fi, or satellite communication.
  • Strong understanding of communication protocols (e.g., TCP/IP, UDP, etc.)
  • Solid problem-solving skills and eagerness to learn
  • Nice-to-have: Experience with communication modules, knowledge of frontend-backend communication in remote systems, including web-based control interfaces.

What we’re looking for

We are looking for a path planning engineer to join our robotics team and play a key role in developing efficient, real-time path planning algorithms for our autonomous rover systems. Your role will focus on integrating perception data from SLAM and terrain segmentation model to generate safe, efficient paths through complex Martian environments, guided by ArUCo markers. You will also work on balancing the obstacle avoidance with optimal route selection and speed on our rover’s NVIDIA GPU-accelerated Jetson hardware.


  • Develope and implement path-planning algorithms, and navigation software for real-time autonomous navigation
  • Collaborate with SLAM, Computer VIsion, and Communication Engineer to integrate localization and mapping data into the path-planning module.
  • Ensure our rover follows the key points marked by ArUCo markers on the map, and use this information to increase SLAM accuracy
  • Test and iterate path-planning in both simulated and realistic environments, including extreme Martian terrain


  • Proficiency in English
  • Proficiency in path-planning algorithms such as A*, D*, RRT, etc.
  • Experience with motion planning and trajectory generation for autonomous systems
  • Strong programming skills in C++ or Python, and familiarity with robotic navigation stacks in ROS/ROS2 and OpenCV
  • Solid Understanding of 3D environment representation and navigation using multi-sensor data

What we’re looking for

Do you want to be the mastermind behind our rover’s smooth moves? We’re seeking a Control Engineer to join our team and have an impact on how our rover navigates and interacts with the world. You’ll design and implement control algorithms, work on hardware interfaces, and ensure the rover tackles any terrain with precision and grace.


  • Design and implement control algorithms and hardware interfaces for precise wheel movement and/or robust arm manipulation.
  • Integrate control systems with path planning for efficient navigation and ensure overall system safety and performance.
  • Conduct rigorous testing and optimize control systems for various terrains and manipulation tasks.


  • Proficiency in English
  • Background in Robotics or Control Engineering
  • Strong understanding of control systems theory (PID, state space, trajectory tracking, inverse kinematics)
  • Experience with ROS 2, particularly ROS 2 control packages
  • Experience with programming languages like Python and C++.
  • Excellent analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills
  • Nice-to-have: Familiarity with manipulator control interfaces (e.g., MoveIt!) and/or Dynamixel servo motor interface programming

Have you ever wondered how electronic circuit boards are made? Maybe you already have some insight into PCB design, and wish to improve by getting involved in more complex projects? Then you have reached your destination. Apply to this position to contribute to the design, manufacturing, and testing of PCBs in robotics applications. We are looking for an aspiring engineer to aid in the design of a modular power and data management + distribution solution for our rovers.

  • Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design using KiCAD
  • Prototyping electronics building blocks
  • Manufacturing and functional testing of PCBs
  • Production of Documentation and test reports
  • Moderate knowledge in the function of standard electronic components
    • Resistors, capacitors, inductors, transistors, etc
  • Basic knowledge in navigating data sheets
  • Basic experience with simple electronics circuits
    • preferably ones using a microcontroller
  • Basic experience using EDA software to design PCBs
  • Expand your knowledge in electronics design
  • Learn about standard electronics building blocks in power management applications
  • Learn about PCB design using KiCAD
  • Gain experience using lab equipment to test electronics

We’re looking for a motivated student with experience in embedded systems, especially with experience in working with microcontrollers, to aid us in the development of software for a modular power management module for our rovers. If you already have done work with microcontroller boards (Arduino, STM32, etc), and have good C/C++ knowledge, then this position is ideal for you!

  • Development of software for a modular Power Management module
  • Performing tests on the Power Management electronics board
  • Producing documentation and test reports
  • Good C/C++ programming skills
  • Moderate experience with Microcontroller programming
  • Basic electronics knowledge
  • Basic experience with real-time operating systems
  • Improve your C/C++ skills
  • Gain further insight into hardware-dependent software development
  • Learn basic power management electronic circuits
    • Protection Circuits
    • Electronically controlled switches
    • Monitoring power consumption
  • Gain experience using lab equipment to test electronics

What we’re looking for

We’re seeking an analytical and detail-oriented student with a genuine passion for financial management. The ideal candidate will not just handle numbers but also understand their story. Your role will be integral in ensuring financial stability and growth, actively contributing to budget planning, compliance, and long-term financial strategies.


  • Oversee financial reporting and tracking.
  • Assist in budgeting and financial planning.
  • Monitor financial metrics and KPIs.
  • Ensure financial compliance and record-keeping.


  • Good command of English
  • Strong analytical skills.
  • Understanding of basic accounting principles.
  • Proficient in Excel or similar tools.
  • Eagerness to learn about organizational finance.

What we’re looking for:

We’re in search of an enthusiastic and highly motivated student who has a keen interest in forging meaningful relationships for our team. This is an excellent opportunity to develop your abilities in identifying new sponsorship and partnership opportunities as well as in nurturing and maintaining these connections over time. Your role will be pivotal in not only bringing in financial and logistical support but also in adding value to our team and mission through sustainable, mutually beneficial relationships.


  • Identify and secure new sponsorships and partnerships.
  • Maintain and strengthen existing relationships.
  • Coordinate with sponsors for event participation.
  • Track and report on partnership metrics, visualize trends on our CRM


  • Excellent communication and networking skills, preferably both in German and English
  • Ability to persuade and negotiate.
  • Basic understanding of marketing or business development.
  • Enthusiastic about fundraising and relationship building.

What we’re looking for:

We’re looking for a proactive and tech-savvy student who will be at the helm of our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. The ideal candidate will be dedicated to customer data management, analytics, and operational efficiency. In this role, you’ll closely collaborate with various departments, particularly with the sponsorships and marketing teams, to ensure that our CRM serves as an effective tool for our team’s success.


  • Manage, maintain, and update our CRM system.
  • Assist in operational planning by coordinating with various departments.
  • Work on analytics and reports related to customer data.
  • Ensure the security and reliability of customer data within the CRM.


  • Proficiency in English
  • Eagerness to specialize in CRM systems.
  • Strong organizational and problem-solving skills.
  • Basic understanding of data analytics.
  • Previous experience is welcome but not a requirement; we’re mainly looking for enthusiasm and a willingness to learn.

What we’re looking for

We’re searching for a personable and efficient student who is committed to cultivating a dynamic and inclusive team culture. You’ll manage recruitment drives and onboard new members, ensuring they feel welcomed and are set up for success. Your role will extend to creating a positive internal atmosphere and identifying external opportunities for team growth and visibility.

  • Manage recruitment drives and onboarding plans.
  • Keep track of recruitment metrics to gauge the effectiveness of hiring strategies.
  • Collaborate with subteam leads to understand hiring needs and candidate fit.
  • Organize internal team events and identify relevant external ones.
  • Serve as a contact point for team integration issues.
  • Strong people skills, including effective communication in English and emotional intelligence.
  • Good organizational acumen with an ability to manage multiple tasks efficiently.
  • Strong analytical skills for interpreting recruitment metrics and identifying trends.
  • Previous experience in recruitment or human resources is a plus but not required; we’re mainly looking for enthusiasm and a strong willingness to learn.

What we’re looking for

We’re on the hunt for a creative student who can bring our brand and mission to life through various digital mediums. Working in close collaboration with our Social Media Manager, you’ll be pivotal in crafting compelling narratives and visual elements that resonate with our audience and elevate our brand. Your work will range from newsletters and business cards to social media graphics, each designed to engage our community, sponsors, and partners.


  • Design quarterly newsletters for our sponsors and partners and manage distribution.
  • Create eye-catching social media graphics and manage our (digital) business card design.
  • Develop PR and branding strategies.
  • Monitor and analyze engagement metrics.


  • Proficiency in English
  • Creative mindset and visual acuity.
  • Basic knowledge of design software (e.g., Adobe Suite).
  • Basic understanding of marketing principles.
  • Strong attention to detail.

What we’re looking for

We’re in search of an enthusiastic and creative student who is interested in harnessing the power of social media to tell compelling stories and engage with our community. The ideal candidate will have some basic technical understanding but also a creative mindset to work in tandem with our Marketing & Outreach Designer. You will be a key player in shaping our brand voice and expanding our online presence. Your role will involve careful planning, execution, and optimization of social media campaigns that elevate our organization in the realms of space, robotics, and science communication.


  • Plan, curate, and manage content across our Twitter and Instagram accounts.
  • Engage with our online community by responding to comments, messages, and mentions.
  • Work closely with the Marketing and Design teams to ensure a consistent brand voice and visual identity.
  • Use social media analytics tools to track performance and adjust strategies as needed.
  • Coordinate social media campaigns and initiatives to increase visibility, membership, and sponsorship.


  • Active and knowledgeable user of Twitter and Instagram with an understanding of each platform’s nuances.
  • Strong writing and communication skills, with an eye for visually appealing content (preferably in both German and English).
  • Passionate about space, robotics, and science communication.
  • No formal experience required; your enthusiasm and willingness to learn are what count most.

What we’re looking for:

Have you wondered how the company’s website or apps run? We’re in search of a tech-savvy student who is both proactive and resourceful. As the IT Manager, you’ll not only oversee our existing IT infrastructure but actively work to enhance it. We rely on you to troubleshoot issues swiftly, implement innovative solutions, and guarantee the security and reliability of our stored data, communication and accessibility management, and IT systems. Your role is critical in ensuring that our team has the technological resources they need to excel. This include updating and deploying our internal communication tool Mattermost, cloud file storage, and access to Gitlab for other members to develop code.


  • Oversee the organization’s IT infrastructure, including hardware and software systems.
  • Troubleshoot and resolve IT-related issues for team members.
  • Work on improving existing IT processes and implementing new systems.
  • Ensure the security and reliability of data and IT systems.


  • Proficiency in English
  • Basic understanding of IT infrastructure, network configurations, and software management.
  • Familiarity with containers like Docker, and Debian-based and CentOS command lines
  • Previous experience is welcome but not a requirement; we’re mainly looking for enthusiasm and a willingness to learn.

What we’re looking for

Become a part of our dreamy student team, where we’re crafting the future of space robotics! Our mission is to create autonomous rovers that’ll roam distant celestial landscapes. We’re seeking Mechanical Engineers who are passionate about space robotics and are ready to make their mark on the universe. If you’re a CAD wizard with a penchant for thinking outside the stratosphere and have a knack for manufacturing, read on!


  • Collaborate with the team to bring your ideas to life, designing rover subsystems that feel like they’re plucked from sci-fi dreams.
  • Embrace the power of CAD software (SolidWorks and 3DEXPERIENCE is our wand of choice) to craft 3D masterpieces and blueprints that’d make even the stars jealous.
  • Dive into the cosmos of structural analysis, flex your knowledge in mechanics, and make the first steps into the world of FEM simulations.
  • Leverage your manufacturing expertise to bring your designs into reality and ensure they can withstand the cosmic rigors.
  • Craft documentation and celestial reports on your design journey.


  • Proficiency in English
  • Experience in CAD software, especially SolidWorks, because we’re creating the future, and it needs to look spectacular!
  • Understanding of analytical structural analysis methods – think of yourself as a cosmic architect.
  • A knack for material selection and manufacturing processes (maybe even CAM?!) to bring your cosmic creations to life.
  • Experience with Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printers? You’re our shooting star!
  • A license for a self-propelled spacecraft for commuting to our future Moon testing site.

What we’re looking for

Embark on a stellar journey with the WARR Space Robotics Team, a dynamic student association pioneering the future of space exploration! Join us in shaping the destiny of autonomous rovers designed for in-situ inspection of Martian environments, sample retrieval, and storage of scientific wonders. We’re in search of a dedicated student to take on the role of Technical Project Manager, steering our projects through the cosmos of challenges and triumphs.


  • Define Workpackages: Collaborate closely with technical leads to break down the project into manageable workpackages, ensuring a systematic approach to achieving project goals.
  • Interdisciplinary Interfaces: Navigate the intricate web of interdisciplinary interfaces, managing and aligning diverse requirements from various student teams. Foster effective communication to ensure seamless integration of subsystems.
  • Manage Interdisciplinary Requirements: Work closely with technical leads to identify and manage interdisciplinary requirements, ensuring that each team’s contributions align with the overall project objectives.
  • Project Timeline Management: Develop and maintain a comprehensive project timeline, ensuring alignment with milestones and objectives. Take charge of timeline supervision to keep the project on course.
  • General/Management Meeting Updates: Provide regular updates during general and management meetings, offering insights into project progress, challenges, and proposed solutions. Be the bridge between technical details and overarching project goals.


  • Project Management Skills: Showcase your organizational prowess and leadership abilities in managing student-driven projects. This is an excellent opportunity to enhance your project management skills within a supportive student environment.
  • Interdisciplinary Communication: Demonstrate strong interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to facilitate collaboration among diverse student teams.
  • Timeline Supervision: Develop your skills in managing project timelines effectively, ensuring tasks are completed on schedule in a student-driven setting.
  • Presentation Skills: Gain experience in conveying technical information to both technical and non-technical audiences during general and management meetings.
  • Adaptability: Embrace the dynamic nature of student-driven initiatives, showcasing your ability to navigate unforeseen challenges and adjust project plans accordingly.
  • Documentation: Enhance your documentation skills, maintaining a comprehensive record of project decisions, actions, and outcomes.
  • Passion for Space Exploration: Fuel your passion for space exploration and robotics, contributing to cutting-edge projects that push the boundaries of student-led innovation.

Join us on this extraordinary student-led mission, where your project management skills will be instrumental in propelling our rovers to new frontiers!

What we’re looking for

Are you interested in space exploration & science? Then join our team as a scientific mission planner. You will be responsible for planning our analog mission at the European Rover Challenge 2024. By working together with the rest of our science team, you will decide how our rover will collect samples and how we will analyze them.


  • Identify areas of interest for scientific exploration of Mars
  • Decide on a strategy for collecting Martian soil samples
  • Evaluate different methods for analyzing Martian soil samples
  • Develop a comprehensive scientific exploration plan


  • Motivation and dedication to the task
  • Strong enthusiasm for space exploration
  • Independent work attitude

What we’re looking for

We’re looking for a dedicated student to dive into the details of Martian terrain. You will be carrying out geological and geomorphological analysis of Mars. You will also be working together closely with other scientists and engineers to make our analog mission at the European Rover Challenge a success.


  • Carry out geological analysis of the Valles Marineris region
  • Identify possible landing areas within this region
  • Select points of interest for geological analysis
  • Create geological maps


  • Motivation and dedication to the task
  • Geological knowledge or willingness to acquire it
  • Independent work attitude

Please take your time to fill out this form, and we will contact you back shortly.

    What skills do you hope to develop, or to bring to the team? *

    How did you hear about us, WARR Space Robotics? *

    Thank you for your interest in WARR Space Robotics!

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