WE JUST MADE HISTORY 🔥 ! 10 days ago, our team successfully hot-fired our in-house designed bi-liquid Valkyrie engine for the first time, achieving a thrust of over 3000 Newtons for around 3 seconds of steady combustion. After inspecting the engine, we ramped up the burn time and conducted a long-duration hot fire, holding our target load point for 9.8 seconds and qualifying the engine for flight on the EX-4 rocket of #ProjectNixus.
The Valkyrie engine is state-of-the-art, propelled by Ethanol and liquid oxygen (LOX), and composed of our propellant injector “Dragonfang” and the combustion chamber “Kara”, which is 3D-printed in Inconel 718. Kara uses regenerative cooling to cope with extreme temperatures during combustion.
To our knowledge, testing a bi-liquid, regeneratively cooled, cryogenic rocket engine is a first for German student groups. Even internationally, only a few student teams have achieved something similar.
This historic milestone wouldn’t have been possible without key support from our friends at Isar Aerospace.
Next step: Spaceport America Cup 2023.
Check out the video footage of the long duration hot-fire on our Instagram. 🚀